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Wednesday 12 August 2020

Myths Greek and Legends

The Greek Myth and Legends 

Pandora's Box

The Greek Myth and Legends I am studying is called Pandora's Box. Prometheus stole the Olympian God's fire. Zeus found out about it, therefore, he sent Prometheus to a mountain and chained him and every day a monstrous vulture pecked at his body but then Hercules came to save him. Zeus then decided to punish Prometheus again by sending the most beautiful woman to earth named Pandora but it's not what it seems to be. Pandora was brought to life, Zeus then ordered each of the Gods to give a magical gift to Pandora. The Gods also gave Pandora a box to hold each secret from the Gods. It was the time when Prometheus received Pandora as a gift but Prometheus refused to marry Pandora. On the other hand, Epimetheus (brother of Prometheus) accepted Pandora to be his wife. Epimetheus was fell deeply in love with Pandora, he was fooled by his beauty and soon they were married. Each day, Pandora's curiosity grew, she wanted to know what's inside the box. Pandora even imagined that she can hear voices inside the box telling her to set them free. Pandora couldn't take it anymore. She then soon opened the box, horrible little winged creatures had flown out of the box. At last, they were free on Earth. Epimetheus got mad, he shouted at his wife that frightened Pandora. Soon all the evil little creatures that Pandora had released causes anger, illness, diseases, pain, death to every mankind. One day, Epimetheus and Pandora could hear a voice, it was sweeter and softer than the others. Together they decided to let the creature out. A tiny creature flew out of the box, it was different from the others. Her name is Hope, she helped the world to feel better. Soon Epimetheus and Pandora had a baby daughter called Pyrrha. Pyrrha grew up and she married Prometheus' son, Deucalion. Zeus was still angry, he sent a fierce storms to flood the world but only Pyrrha and Duecalion survived the storm. They rebuilt the human race with Hope by their side.


  1. I loved reading your Myth.I liked the picture.You should write it in paragraphs next time. good work.

  2. I like how you explained it very well. Next time you separate it in different paragraph.

    hatdog mo one inch
